Yesterday was a beautiful day in Virginia! My brother Al from LAMA DC set up a ride to Fredericksburg through some of the areas back roads. We were headed from Woodbridge to Fredericksburg to support our brothers and sisters from that chapter collect gifts for a Toy Drive to benefit underserved children in the community. Awesome ride! Windy, but above 50 degrees the entire day! After a few days in the 30s and 40s, 50 and 60 feel warm!
It was a great ride, for a great cause! It was good seeing our brothers and sisters from Fredericksburg for a few hours and sharing some time with them! They did a great job collecting toys too!

I got 2 problems with that riding video! 1. What music are you riding to? That isn’t the music I gave you, that you took from me! 2. Did you make a California stop at that stop sign? I don’t think you stopped! What gives? Even you can make use of a refresher motorcycle driving course !
still got mad love for you brother! 😜