The theme for today is “Think of were you will be, and it will be so!” We decide were to go and how and when to get there. Sometimes things try to stop us, but when we have something to look forward to, and we strive to achieve it, we can.

We left cold Yellowstone early yesterday morning and made it through northern Nevada and into HOT Utah last night! from 28 degrees to 108.4 degrees at the peak temperature through the desert! The morning was awesome, riding our bikes through the Bonneville Salt Flats, but the afternoon and evening were amazing, hanging out at the Arches National Park in Utah! The Moab desert is brutal during the day, but as the sun set, one could truly appreciate the beauty and awe of being among these wonderful natural monuments! We also met some wonderful people along the way. Among them, we met April and Chad from Pensylvania! Two wonderful people with extraordinary stories, traveling from place to place and enjoying this wonderful country just like Gilbert and I!
Today it is about the drive, with no destination in mind, just riding the winds on until sunset!

It was great meeting you and Gill. Safe travels Roy! We have finished up our 6000 mile travels throughout the west. We are now on our way home to PA. Enjoy your retirement!
Don't forget about a little crew rest every now and then guys!!! Your not 22 anymore:)! What an amazing trip, trip of a lifetime!!! Stay safe as always!!!
Words of wisdom as usual my brother's!!
cool pics! It is not about the journey but the stops along the way!